Prayer Night

Prayer Night is a monthly gathering where we as a church community meet to pray. Every month looks slightly different, but always includes a corporate prayer element and Elders / Leaders are available for Personal and Family Prayer needs.

Prayer Nights are the first Wednesday of every month. Doors open at 5:30pm and the service starts at 6pm. Each service lasts about an hour.

When we pray, we’re reminded that we don’t serve some far-off and distant God. We worship and serve a God who draws near to His people. He sees us. He knows us. Prayer unites us with Him. It allows us to acknowledge that He has all authority, is worthy of our adoration, and is holy. We value prayer as a community and set time aside each month to gather and pray together.

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Why Prayer?

One of the beautiful things God affords His people is personal communion with Himself. We consider prayer not a time to ask God what we want because Jesus tells us, “Your Father knows what you need before you ask him” (Matthew 6:8, ESV). God wants us to pray because prayer expresses our trust in God, and it is a means whereby our trust in Him is expressed and can ultimately increase.